[reading time for full page: 13 minutes]
these were the accessibility practice we used at the café in glasgow. we intend to continue employing these measures and improving upon them in brooklyn.
we’ve actively built accessibility into the café and our events. we follow the social model of disability: everyone has access needs, and they all deserve to be lavishly met.
we have certified training on food handling and safety, allergies, and mental health first aid training.
if you need any type of assistance while in the café, please don’t hesitate to alert one of us—we want to help! any access information you disclose to us will be treated with absolute confidentiality.
if you have suggestions as to how we can be more accessible, please get in touch though our contact page.
page navigation
coronavirus safety & mitigation
general statement on tolerance and intolerance
alcohol and other substances
chemical sensitivity
families and kids
food and allergies
gender and queerness
languages and communication: yiddish, english, BSL, and hearing aids
– pavements in govanhill
– train
– bike
– bus
– parking
visual impairments
coronavirus safety & mitigation
please do not come to the café if you have symptoms which might indicate COVID: fever, persistent coughing, loss or change of taste or smell, or cold symptoms. instead, self isolate and (if you can) get tested! we know some people have these symptoms all the time (e.g. if you’re immunocompromised or have long COVID); we trust you to know whether you need to isolate and test.
while LFTs are more restricted now, you can still order free LFTs in scotland from the NHS.
- you need to wear a mask while inside the café, unless you’ve taken an LFT in the last 7 days. we have free masks in the café
- to sit in without masks, you and your party must have a negative lateral flow test from within the last 7 days. you can take them for free at the café for as long as our supplies last. in order to conserve tests, we only require one test per household. we will also ask if you have any new symptoms which could be COVID
- to take away or sit outside, you don’t need to take a test, but masks are required while inside
we also take the following mitigation measures:
- we use a HEPA air purifier
- when weather permits, we keep the doors open for extra ventilation
- servers wear masks and take weekly LFTs
- we have free masks available in case anyone forgets theirs
for the record… we’re furious that our governments are abandoning public health measures, knowing full well how dangerous this will be for ordinary people who can’t afford private tests. once again, it’s up to us to try as best we can to keep each other safe.
we strongly encourage you to get vaccinated and get your booster shot. find out more about getting vaccinated in scotland here.
if we have a COVID contact at the café, or a possible COVID contact, we always:
- immediately inform all affected workers and urge them to isolate and test
- post on social media informing the public that we’ve had a possible COVID contact and on what day
- if we’re unable to get shifts covered by unaffected workers, we close until we can safely staff the café
we are looking forward to forgoing masks and COVID restrictions, but public health and our community’s safety is the most important thing. you can see daily covid figures for scotland, and figures for the uk as a whole.
general statement on tolerance and intolerance
all queer people are prone to social isolation due to systemic queerphobia. jews in glasgow are also liable to experience a lack of community if they don’t fit into narrow expectations of jewishness. this isolation is exacerbated for anyone who is disabled, living on a low income, or facing other marginalizations.
we are a space which is specifically for queers and jews, centering and their needs. everyone else is also welcome as long as they are respectful. we prioritize the safety of queers and jews over the comfort of cishet goyim.
we have absolutely zero tolerance for antisemitism, islamophobia, anti-blackness, antiziganizm (anti-romani bigotry), anti-traveller bigotry, or other forms of racism; homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, acephobia, or other forms of queerphobia; ableism; addiction-shaming; stigmatization of people living with HIV; fatphobia, food-shaming, or body-shaming; sexism; whorephobia; ageism; classism; anti-catholic sectarianism and other forms of faith-based hatred; bigotry toward people who have been incarcerated; abuse apologism and rape apologism; and imperialism or xenophobia.
all ages are welcome! we hope to create an inter-generational community space.
we recognize the barriers that many people face outside the age bracket of 18–35 in finding relaxed, queer-friendly social environments. we want the space to be accessible to everyone from young people under the drinking age to parents with young children, overworked adults, and retired people.
all queer people are prone to social isolation due to systemic queerphobia, and we know that this especially affects young people (under 18) and older people (over 65).
we have a high chair, and fidget toys suitable for children.
absolutely no ageism or queerphobia will be tolerated.
alcohol and other substances
the café is a dry space which does not serve alcohol. this makes the space accessible to people who don’t drink, people under the drinking age, and anyone who’s looking for a cosy late-nite space which isn’t centered around alcohol. glasgow especially needs dry queer social spaces.
we make the distinction between being dry and being sober. you can be in the space without being sober as long as you’re respectful.
there is no smoking or vaping inside, or outside within a few feet of the doors.
we have a naloxone kit on site. we are looking into the possibility of the café being a clean needle exchange site.
absolutely no addiction shaming, or stigmatization of people living with HIV, will be tolerated.
service animals are always welcome.
on most days, all dogs are welcome. we have a communal dog water bowl.
wednesday is dog-free, excepting service dogs. you do not need proof that your dog is a service animal.
because dogs are regularly in the café, and there are sometimes service dogs in the space on dog-free day (wednesday), we can’t guarantee that the café is ever 100% free of dog hair. however, we do clean the café every night and do our best to keep the space accessible to people with dog allergies.
absolutely no ableism will be tolerated.
families and kids

kids are welcome.
breastfeeding parents are welcome! we’re also happy to heat up baby milk or formula for you.
the café has step-free access. all of the doors in the café are at least 80cm wide. all of the furniture is movable to make navigating with a stroller easier.
the bathroom has baby-changing facilities, room for a stroller, and hooks for hanging diaper bags. we stock free diapers and baby wipes.
we have a high-chair, and fidget toys suitable for kids.
absolutely no ageism or queerphobia will be tolerated.
food and allergies
all the food and drinks served are vegan. by this we mean: no animal products (meat, seafood, dairy, eggs, bee and insect products) are used as ingredients; and we avoid all food and drink which use animal products in the production of their food (e.g. sugar which is refined with bone char). we also avoid other products which are not vegan, e.g. leather upholstery.
all ingredients and common allergens are clearly labelled.
the food is prepared in a kashered space. we do not have kosher or halal certification.
you are welcome to bring your own food and drinks into the café, with the exception of alcohol.
absolutely no fatphobia, food-shaming, or body-shaming will be tolerated.
gender and queerness

the bathroom is gender neutral, and is stocked with free tampons, pads, condoms, diapers, and baby wipes.
we know that not everyone who might want to come to the space is safe to be seen in queer environments. we maintain everyone’s privacy with café curtains on the windows at face-level, so that no one outside the café can to see who’s inside.
some of our events are queer-specific or explicitly queer-only. by this we mean: anyone who self-defines as lesbian, gay, bisexual+, trans, non-binary, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, aromantic, or otherwise not-heterosexual or not-cisgender.
absolutely no sexism, transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, acephobia, or other queerphobia will be tolerated.
some of our events are specifically jewish, or explicitly jewish-only. by this we mean anyone who defines themselves as a jew: ethnic jews (including patrilineal, matrilineal, and adopted jews), religious jews, and anyone who is seriously considering converting to judaism and engaging in jewish life.
absolutely no antisemitism or racism will be tolerated.
languages and communication:
yiddish, english, BSL, and hearing aids
all signage and menu items are written in both yiddish and english.
some of our workers are trained in basic BSL and can understand finger-spelling. we attempt to ensure at least one trained worker is present at any time.
we have live-captioners and/or BSL interpreters at every event possible. we post this information ahead of the event.
we always keep a paper and pen by the till for anyone who prefers to communicate in writing.
we are investigating the logistics of installing a hearing loop.
the films we screen have subtitles: usually english, but depending on the film and the audience, subtitles might be in another language. we post this information ahead of the event.
archived videos of our events have closed captioning in english, and potentially other languages.
our yiddish is not perfect: we are students of our ancestral language. with the resources currently available to us, we’ve been struggling to find vocabulary for things like queerness, race, and disabilities which are accurate and not pejorative. we’ve opted to use english words rather than the slurs we find in the english>yiddish dictionaries. we’ve very keen to have a dialogue with other yiddishists working on this.
absolutely no ableism, antisemitism, audism, or xenophobia will be tolerated.

the café features as much natural light as possible, and otherwise uses soft lighting.
there are fairy lights in the window which are always on and static (non-flashing).
absolutely no ableism will be tolerated.
we livestream as many of our events as possible to ensure they’re accessible to people who can’t be there in person.
you can see our events archive on youtube.

the café has step-free access. the doors are all at least 80cm wide.
the counter is low (81cm), so wheelchair users can see over it.
there is plenty of space between tables for people with mobility aids to navigate comfortably. we aim for 100cm between all furnishings.
the bathroom is wheelchair accessible, with hand rails and a pull cord.
we have large comfy chairs with back support and without armrests. seating is be comfortable: not too soft and sinking, and not too hard.
all furniture is moveable, so if there is not enough space for you to comfortably move around the furniture, we can adjust it.
we have table service so we bring your food to you, but if there’s anything else you need help carrying, please just ask.
absolutely no ableism will be tolerated.

everything is sold on a pay-what-you-can basis, down to £0. the prices displayed are the “break even” cost, and we encourage everyone to pay what they are able to. we have faith in the community, and believe that this is a sustainable model because people who are able to pay more value the space enough to do so.
everyone can buy their food with dignity regardless of how much they can afford to pay. we don’t want to inadvertently create an environment where it’s not socially acceptable to pay nothing, or where each customer’s finances are announced to the whole room.
we also have a free fridge: a fridge full of free food! it is stocked daily and anyone can take food from it, or donate food into it. see guidelines about what food we can accept here in english, ייִדיש (yiddish), عَرَبِيّ (arabic), বাংলা (bangla), čeština (czech), español (spanish), فارسی (farsi), gàidhlig (gaelic), हिन्दी (hindi), limba română (romanian), polskie (polish), scots, and in images.
all of our events are be NOTAFLOF: no one turned away for lack of funds, with no means testing.
we have cash and cashless options for paying.
we offer use of the space to other groups on a free/donations basis.
absolutely no classism will be tolerated.
tuesday is our autism-focused day where we don’t play music and ask people to keep conversations low.
we have a small box of fidget toys for anyone to use.
we endeavor to make our communications as clear as possible to everyone.
absolutely no ableism will be tolerated.
the café is in govanhill—scotland’s most racially diverse neighborhood—and we want everyone (except cops and TERFs) to feel welcome in the space.
we recognize that QTIPOC (queer, trans, and intersex people of color) and jews of color face racist barriers to accessing queer and jewish spaces.
to ensure that people of color (POC) are safe in our space, we commit to an absolutely zero-tolerance policy on racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, islamophobia, anti-blackness, antiziganizm (anti-romani bigotry), anti-traveller bigotry, and other forms of racialized violence. we take all reports of racism seriously. microaggressions are squarely confronted and, if repeated, result in the offending person being removed from the space. this is our space, and we have no need to appease racists!
we offer free use of the space to all groups, and prioritize QTIPOC groups and events, and events run by/for jews of color. we use our platform to highlight the work, art, and community contributions of POC.
most of our directors are white. our whiteness is rarely/never contested, and we are aware of our privileges and our own white fragility. we commit to listening to the experiences of black and brown people, actively collaborating with POC groups, and continuing to learn and undo our own internalized racism. we’re actively committed not only to challenging white supremacy, but to be being traitors to whiteness.
we have lots of soft surfaces to keep the acoustics gentle. the music is played on low volume through stereo speakers to avoid distortion and noise. if you need the music to be turned down, just ask!
tuesday is our autism-focused day where we play soft white noise instead of music and ask people to keep conversations low.
we do everything we can to minimize electrical noise throughout the café, including noise from lights, heaters, and fridges.
absolutely no ableism will be tolerated.
our priority is supporting survivors. by this we mean survivors of sexual violence, physical abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, and financial abuse.
if you tell us that someone is abusive, we will believe you and we will take it seriously.
queer and jewish cultures are fraught with trauma, and we want to support everyone (even abusers) to find community and to heal. but an abuser’s healing cannot come at the expense of anyone’s safety. if you don’t want your abuser in the café, we will ask them to leave, no questions asked.
we recognize that we have all caused harm to varying degrees. as a café, we don’t have the capacity (or desire) to decide who is good or bad. we know that marginalized people are more likely to be accused of abuse or vague problematic behavior—especially black people, trans women and trans femmes, and autistic people—and we’re not going to ban people from the space simply for being awkward or angry (we’re awkward and angry!).
if you disclose something to us, we won’t share that information, or act on it, without your explicit consent. if you’d like to disclose something anonymously, you can do so via curious cat.
the café’s address is 451 victoria road, glagow, G42 8RW.
pavements in govanhill
the pavements in the area tend to be very uneven, fairly narrow, and with no dropped curbs or tactile paving.
but, outside the café, the pavement on victoria road is new, even, and wide, with dropped curbs, tactile paving, and puffin crossings.
the café is a 2 minute walk from queens park train station, on the victoria road side.
there is a segregated bike lane in both directions on victoria road, where the café is located. there are lots of bike racks within a 1 minute walk along victoria road. there is a cycle hire station 2 minute walk from the café just outside queens park station.
there are several bus routes along victoria road which stop right in front of the café: 4, 4A, 5, 6 (all operated by first bus).
the closest stops are prince edward street, just opposite the café (if you’re heading north); and langside lane, just opposite queens park station (if you’re heading south).
there are many other bus routes within a 10 minute walk, especially on pollokshaws road.
there is free on-street parking along victoria road, but it tends to be very busy. there are electric car charging stations 2 minutes’ walk from the café: one at victoria road and dixon avenue, and one at victoria road and torrisdale street.
visual impairments
all signs and menu items are in both yiddish and english, displayed in large print and a clear font.
we have table service so we bring your food to you, but if there’s anything else you need help carrying, please just ask.
across our digital communications, we use alt-text where possible to describe images so they can be understood with screen readers. we also write image descriptions in the caption.
absolutely no ableism will be tolerated.