די ראָזעווע פּאַווע
pink peacock

coming soon to brooklyn, ny

a queer, yiddish, antizionist
free food café & community space

everyone welcome 🖤
(except cops and terfs)

the old café in glasgow

it’s 5785/2025. israel has committed a genocide. trans kids are under attack. and people still need free food.

the pink peacock operated for three years in glasgow, scotland during the start of the pandemic as a pay-what-you-can-down-to-£0 café and infoshop. we ran hundreds of events and served thousands of free meals—now we’re coming to brooklyn as not only a queer yiddish anarchist café, but an antizionist davening and community space.

our top priority is still diminishing food insecurity by serving delicious food to hungry people in a luxurious setting, entirely for free. the food will be kosher, BDS-compliant, and served in a dignified way to everyone regardless of ability to pay. barring unforeseen obstacles, we will once again operate a free fridge and pantry on the street.

there are precious few jewish antizionist spaces. we believe that the past and future of yiddishkeyt is antizionist, and we want to create a physical space for explicitly antizionist davening, socializing, and organizing. solidarity with oppressed people is a jewish value. we stand for a free palestine.

we also want to provide a general community space with an infoshop and ideally a stage. we are hoping to secure a space that can accommodate at least 100 people and host events like workshops, community meetings, interfaith break fasts, kleztronica gigs, and art exhibitions. we want to build coalitions between neighborhood groups and solidarity across borders.

everyone has access needs, and they all deserve to be lavishly met. click through to read more about our commitment to accessibility and the measures we took to make the space in glasgow accessible.

we’re hiring for a full-time director of funding & finance to start this new chapter and are looking for someone with considerable experience in these fields. this position is not yet funded: see the job posting for more details.

in this (long) moment of rising fascism, the pink peacock is defiantly proud to be fronted by trans jewish anarchists and our comrades. we are not afraid of our community taking advantage of us: on the contrary, we have already seen that the community is what sustains us. people donate what money they can and take what food they need.

in dark times, we create the light.